Setup with Docker

Let's get started. Set up Atena in 5 minutes! ⏱️

Pre-requisite ⚡️

Ensure that all the requirements are installed in your system. Follow requirements if you haven’t installed them all, yet.

Step 1: Clone the atena-setup-docker repo

Execute the following command to clone Atena setup repo:

$ git clone

Step 2: Run the Atena container

Execute the following command to run Atena container. Together with Atena we will set up Prometheus and Grafana for metrics and monitoring.

💡: Atenadb provides metrics and monitoring with no config needed. Everything is managed by Atena.

$ docker-compose up

This command fetches Atena Docker Image from Docker Hub and sets up everything you need for you.

Step 2: Verify if Atena container is running or not:

You should already see all the containers logs slide in front of you. However, if you want to check which containers are up and running open another console and type:

$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
db_atenadb_1 dotnet AtenaServer.dll Up>5000/tcp,>5001/tcp
db_grafana_1 / Up>3000/tcp
db_prometheus_1 /bin/prometheus --config.f ... Up>9090/tcp

Step 3: Testing your setup

Run the Atena CLI and log in with default credentials (USERNAME="Admin" PASSWORD="Admin"). Then start explore...

⚠️ RECOMMENDATION: Once you have logged in, change your default Admin password immediately.

Congrats! Everything is set up 🎉

Explore and enjoy Atena db with Atena CLI or with your favourite programming language thanks to our drivers.

Optional: Step 4: Metrics and Monitoring

Take a look at the metrics and monitoring section

What is next?

Now that we have Atena DB set on your local environment, let's do something with it.

Please make sure you read the Basics chapter to understand better how the project is set and what is included to make your developing experience as smooth as possible.