DB engines
AtenaDb supports 3 db engine:
Atena default DB Engine
This db is saved persistently on-disk by default and it automatically optimize the usage of your resources to provide the best performance using as few resources as possible.
Stop care about save resources and limit waste. Atena takes care for you.
Unlike all the other K/V stores on the market who work entirely in-memory or on-disk this db optimize the usage of your memory.
It supports data larger than your memory, by leveraging fast external storage. So it is also consistent and you won't lose any data. It uses consistent recovery using a fast non-blocking checkpointing technique, that lets applications trade-off performance for commit latency.
Atena is strongly clound-oriented and memory is very expensive in the cloud, so run a K/V store completely in-memory can be very expensive. Atena doesn't need a lot of memory to works and at the same time doesn't have capacity limits due to the limited memory resources. It's designed for heavy updates and read/write loads
as well as top-class performance.
Atena DB RB Tree Engine
This db engine is still in beta and we don't recommend use it. However it has already been thoroughly tested and is already stable 🟢
This db is a completely custom db engine realized by Atena. CRUD operations and transactions on DB are made in log time (O(log n)). The engine is based on our RedBlack Tree implementation in C#.
It is meant as an advanced and more complex db engine option. In fact it has got two option in addition to the usual parameters.
These option are:
- LFU - LFU is an
eviction policy
which autonomously removes the oldest and least used record from your store ( as cache ), optimizing your db size and resources usage - on-disk persistence - Instead on-disk persistence enable the saving on disk of the db to avoid data loss.
💡: We recommend enable this two feature together to get the best experience possible.
⚠️ NOTE: Enabling LFU without on-disk persistence enabled can cause data loss.
Atena DB HT engine
This db engine is still in beta and we don't recommend use it. However it has already been thoroughly tested and is already stable 🟢
This db is a completely custom db engine realized by Atena. The engine is based on an hashtable.
It is meant as an advanced and more complex db engine option. In fact it has got two option in addition to the usual parameters.
These option are:
- LFU - LFU is an
eviction policy
which autonomously removes the oldest and least used record from your store ( as cache ), optimizing your db size and resources usage - on-disk persistence - Instead on-disk persistence enable the saving on disk of the db to avoid data loss.
💡: We recommend enable this two feature together to get the best experience possible.
⚠️ NOTE: Enabling LFU without on-disk persistence enabled can cause data loss.